6 months have almost passed me by and with each moment..each passing second..each glance..each giggle..each tear..each and every smile has brought more joy to my life, and has made me fall deeper in love with my daughter.
If I were to write here a letter today (first of many, I am sure) this is what I would hope to say:
If the past few months have taught me anything, it is that I have many wishes for you, my love.
There will be many challenges in your life, and you will be faced with happiness and pain, and love and hurt.
I wish you the ability to have grace under fire.
I wish you to be able to look people in the face and smile when they put you down, or muster up a ' have a good day' when someone yells at you for no reason..
And to agree to disagree when faced with the ignorance of themany people you will meet, even if what they say seems to insane, ridiculous or otherwise stupid.
I hope you have many friends, people who you can share joy with, dream with, laugh with and cry with.
I wish you a speedy recovery when you have your heart broken for the first time. I hope you are able to look at the person who broke it, hold back the hurt while holding your head high and wish them well, wish them peace and most of all wish them love. Remember always that you reap what you sow.
I strongly encourage you to stand up for what you beleive in. No matter who opposes you, or who feels differently (even me).
Trust your instincts and often go with your first impressions, they will be your best guide.
I hope that you are able to show compassion and respect for those people whose beliefs are different than yours and especially those who you disagree with.
I pray that the first time a friend hurts or betrays you, you look deep into your heart and are able to forgive them.
I hope you always keep an open mind and an open heart.
Love big, smile often and live your life to the fullest.
I have faced many challenges in my life, and you my sweet baby girl are my reward.
You have become the answer to all of my questions- You are my heart.
I love you- Always and forever- Lots and lots.